Is Teleportation Possible?

With the newest installment into the video game series Final Fantasy with Final Fantasy XV, and with me sinking more hours into than I am willing to admit, a question continued to run in my head. The question is when will human beings be able to teleport? Will we ever be able to achieve such an impressive feat? This question first appeared in my mind because the main character of this game, Nocits is able to “warp” or teleport around during combat just by throwing his weapon and teleporting to it, which I find to be incredibly awesome, but that is besides the point. I thought how cool would it be that humans would be able to teleport to another location, maybe not in this fashion but in another more organized way.nocits_warping

To me, it would be one of if not the most important innovations humans has ever achieved. Think about all of the different uses teleportation has. It would eliminate the need for any kind of automobile transportation, reduce pollution immensely, and save an incredible amount of time! But of course nothing is without its risks. The idea of teleportation as Hollywood usually portrays it is that the body is literally completely broken down and rebuilt at the new location. Obviously there are an outstanding amount of risks with this way of teleporting, the main one being the fact that the body is broken down to the very last cell then trying to rebuild it completely the same afterwards. But assuming we are somehow able to do that successfully, I have another problem with this. Just how fast do you need to go to start at one point and in the blink of an eye be at a brand new location which may be half across the world? Do you need to go faster than the speed of light? Is that even fast enough to move across the world in an instant for example. Some people believe that the speed it would take can never be achieved, while others actually believe the whole process of teleportation of a human being would be so slow you would die long before you ever reached your destination. That is of course unless somehow the teleportation process would be able to preserve you until you reached your destination. It should be known that scientists have actually successfully teleported things before. However, these things were incredibly small pieces of matter, so small the naked eye cannot even see them.


But to me this is a great start! In my opinion, one day human beings will achieve teleportation, however we still need to tackle many obstacles in order to get there. And of course it will not be achieved by throwing swords around and teleporting to them, though that would be awesome!

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